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The Most Important Factors When Looking for an Internet Business

People ask me all the time for my opinion. Having formerly been an investment advisor and currently a personal development coach, I often give my clients guidance on finding business opportunities on the internet. Let me take a few moments to tell you what I tell them about the five most important things to look for in an internet business. The first one is you need to know about the product - Is this a product you would buy even if there was not a business opportunity behind it. Something you would be comfortable telling other people about and not be embarrassed, something that stands alone, that you would use on an ongoing bases.

The second thing you need to look at is the pay plan. If you are going to be investing extra hours towards your new business, you want to make sure the pay plan is going to be compensating you well. You want to be able to make some real money and be able to make it quickly.

If I make $20 dollars a month out of the gate and I have to keep buying more and more products to make more money - that's not what I consider a good pay plan. I want to be able to make money right away and it has to be big money. I don't want to be making $15, $20 or $100 dollars a month. I want to be making thousands.

I think I am worth it and the business opportunity needs to be worth it. The next critical element is the company. It can't be a fly-by-night company or a brand new company that no one has ever heard of before. You don't want a company that just came out with some lotion or health potion.

It needs to be a viable business and a viable company that you know is going to be around if you are going to be putting all that energy into it. The fourth important factor is personable automation. I don't know about you, but I didn't want to leave my 9-5 job by starting a business that required 40 hours a week or more. I wanted something I could automate. Something that I could put on autopilot once I got things set up.

What good is a lot of money if I can't get away to enjoy it. So the business needs to have a system to make sales even when I am vacationing in Hawaii. However, there is one thing to be careful about. Be careful with a business that says that everything will be automated. You never have to speak to anyone, you don't need to know the product, and you don't need to do any work. The system will do all of it.

Well that's just not going to happen. Automation's biggest strength can also be its biggest weakness. Its imperative that there is someone there for you to work with, a real person. And that brings me to my last point There needs to be real people available to help you build your business.

Some folks discover after they join a business that their "sponsor" is hiding behind his internet site and is unreachable for help or guidance. You don't really know who they are. Or maybe its somebody who is not really in business.

They just joined something and in thirty days they're gone. And you are left asking yourself "Who the heck is going to help me?" Make sure there is a real person who you can call and email who will be there to support you. Know that there is someone who is willing to invest in you to help build your business, someone who will be there for you.

Those are my five "Must Have" Factors for a Profitable and Dynamic Business Opportunity I hope this has been helpful as you think about which home based business you would like to get into. And if you ever have any questions or want to find out more about what businesses I recommend, contact me and I'd love to discuss it with you.

As a successful business person, coach and counselor, Greg is dedicated to helping others achieve their dreams. He is the author of "Your Goal Mind" and is currently collaborating on several internet business projects. To learn more about Greg, check out his most recent project at http://www.forwardthrive.com

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